IAABO 134 Brochure

Aug 6, 2015 by

IAABO 134  Brochure

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Mercy Rule (PG County Middle School)...

Nov 14, 2023 by

Mercy Rule: Prince George’s County MIDDLE SCHOOL BASKETBALL The Mercy Rule for Basketball states that any time during a ball game that the point spread reaches 20 points or more, the time clock will run continuously except for time outs and injuries.  That means during free-throws as well. Eisenhower Middle School: Uniforms will not have legal numbers please do not penalize them for this infraction. Drew Freeman: The correct address is: 2600 Brooks Drive, Suitland/Silver Hill, MD – Next door to Suitland HS James Madison: Home games are at Forestville located at: 3393 Donnell Drive, Forestville,...

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NFHS 2023-24 New Rules Changes

Oct 27, 2023 by

2023-24 BASKETBALL RULES CHANGES  (Video) 2-1-3 NOTE (NEW): Requires the shot clock operator to sit at the scorer’s and timer’s table, if using a shot clock. Rationale: Establishes the placement of the shot clock operator for those states utilizing the shot clock and the growing use of video boards that allow tablet control from anywhere in the gym. 3-4-5: Requires uniform bottoms on teammates to be like-colored while allowing different styles of uniform bottoms among teammates. Rationale: Clarifies that teammates must all wear like-colored uniform bottoms but may wear multiple styles while aligning language with other NFHS rules codes. 3-5-6: Allows undershirts worn under visiting team jerseys to be black or a single solid color similar to the torso of the jersey. All teammates wearing undershirts must wear the same solid color. Rationale: Allows...

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NFHS 2023-24 Points of Emphasis...

Oct 26, 2023 by

2023-24 Points of Emphasis Uniforms, Equipment and Apparel The NFHS regularly receives questions regarding the legality of uniforms, equipment and apparel. It is imperative that not only officials understand the rules governing uniforms and equipment, but coaches and players as well. Uniform jerseys must comply with the rules listed in 3-4, 3-5 and 3-6. The rules are concise and clear regarding what is and is not permissible on the jersey. An NFHS basketball uniform guide was created to illustrate the proper uniform design graphically. That document and an animated presentation can be found on the NFHS website. Uniforms A. Requests to make an exception to Rule 3-4, Uniforms (e.g., Pink Out night, Retro/Throw Back night, Military Appreciation night) must be submitted to the state association before the event for approval. Uniform requirements MAY NOT...

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134 RefLife

Aug 4, 2023 by


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